Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Not much more time...

So 4 years later I am still not blogging but maybe I should.  I need to record the fun things that happen..and the not so fun things.  Here's to an end of the year resolution for the upcoming year...try to blog.  Now, where to find the time!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Okay so now I have forayed into blogging. Boy, what have I gotten myself into??? As if I am not distracted enough already by working on my family history, my scrapbooking business (which if I ever settle down I can really make something of it) and running the kids all over town. I won't promise that I'll always update it but I will try to put info on here that I think others may be interested in. We have friends in so many places now that this might really be the way to get them caught up on our lives. I just hope someone other than just grandparents are interested in us! *smile*

Have a great day!